Syn is hiring…. Sorta.

written by Troy Hamilton
6 · 03 · 24

Hey Synners we are looking for solo ladies or couples to act as hosts for Syn events.   Host duties would be mingling, talking, looking sexy and helping to get the dance floor going.  (No one wants to be the first one on the floor it seems)  There are no sexual requirements other than dress sexy.  

You  would not have to “work” the whole night just 9ish-12ish.  You would not have to work every weekend.  Ideally we would have several hosts that rotate out.  I do not expect you to babysit the weird solo guy in the corner but chat up everyone, especially the new people that look scared to death to be there. 

At this time there is no pay.  However you will get free entry not on just nights you work but every weekend, as long as you are available once a month at least. 

Any questions or to apply feel free to contact me.  If I don’t know you real well please send a pic or two.

Troy Hamilton

I'm Troy, the owner of Syn.

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1 Comment

  1. X22tok

    Hey people!!!!!
    Good mood and good luck to everyone!!!!!


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