Syn Location Update 3/24

written by Troy Hamilton
3 · 24 · 24

Hey Synners, I wanted to give everyone an update on what’s going on location wise.  

First for those of you that don’t know Syn started in West Tulsa just on the border of Tulsa and Sand Springs.  We were there for nine years and dealt with most of the regulatory agencies.  (Able, Fire Marshal, health dept ect)  We never had any issues with anyone.  However those of you that came to the westside location know that it was less than ideal.

I wanted a bigger, nicer place and last Summer took out a 20k loan and moved to Brookside.   We were there for about 9 months and started having issues with the city over zoning.  It eventually worked out to where we had to move because the building we were in wasn’t zoned for that.  

So we moved to 81st and Lewis.  This was a great space and would have been awesome.  I was in the middle of building this fantastic patio when the city came by to inspect.  They told us of a different zoning issue that would keep up from opening there as well.  (Quick note on this space.  It may change ownership to someone more favorable for us. If that happens I’m going to hire a lawyer and make another run at it.  Slim chance that we will win but it’s a nice enough space that I’m willing to spend a few grand trying.)  

From there we looked at buying a nice spot in the middle of town.  After a lot of work and some money spent, I found out it wouldn’t work either.  

In the meantime I had rented a temporary space to have events.  Going from the potential of the really nice space to another hole in the wall on the outskirts of town was a bummer and It showed it in my communications.  

However once we got it cleaned up and in there I started to see the potential.  All of our regulars that support us liked it.   It has a bit of the old Westside vibe that everyone missed but bigger and nicer.  

So I think I am going to go ahead and sign a lease and we will be at the location for at least the next year.  The landlord is really supportive and is working with me to make the place nicer.  We will be putting in new flooring, some paint and building a patio there in the back so you can smoke weed with your tittes out.  Because I just spent so much money on some false starts I don’t want to put a ton into it this first year.  However I’m willing to spend about 5k to make it look nice.  

Is it everything we want?  No, of course not.  It’s very frustrating because I know you will support a nice club in city limits and I can build you a nice club.  At this time it’s just not meant to be.  

I still owe 10K on the loan I took and I have most of that furniture I bought sitting in storage that I am also paying for.  So trust me no one wants a big nice club any more than me.  This will allow us time to look for the right spot that we can be in the long term.  It will also allow me to pay down this loan and replenish my capital I had to spend while we were shut down. Even renting a new space will take a few thousand to get into.   

We will lose a lot of the causal Synner, but the people that have supported us over the years will be there and that who matters.  If you want a private room or a couple’s only room this is not the space for you.  This is a room full of Syn and we are all watching or participating.  

For those that haven’t come yet the location is pretty close to the airport and about 10 mins away from the Hard Rock Casino area.  Anytime you say ‘North Tulsa”  people think it’s a bad neighborhood, but to be blunt this actually might be the best neighborhood we’ve been in yet.  There are two event centers and a taco truck right there.  So it’s busy and so far have had way less issues.    

One of the biggest challenges with having a club in Tulsa isn’t necessarily the city or any outside groups causing us issues.  There are a handful of people in the community that don’t want any club to succeed because they tried to have one and it failed.  There is a reason there are no other clubs in Tulsa and why they don’t last long when they try.   A club could probably fly under the radar for years but this small group tries to get as much attention as they can to the clubs to try and find some way to get them shut down.  

Having a space that is fully compliant is going to be very difficult.  The best thing to do is have it in an area that is outside the city limits.  You still have to follow codes but not zoning.

I get asked a lot about clubs in other areas.  I can’t say if those clubs are compliant or what the regulations and how strictly they are enforced in other cities.  I just know Tulsa and the challenges I have here.  

I appreciate everyone’s support.  I get asked a lot how they can help.  Just come out and have a good time.   Even if it’s not as nice as we want, your support will help make it happen quicker.  

I promise wherever we are I will work to make it the best place we can.   

Thank you everyone.  

Troy Hamilton

I'm Troy, the owner of Syn.

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